Langmeier Backup - Remedy against the loss of data
Released on = August 29, 2007, 3:59 am
Press Release Author = Langmeier Software
Industry = Software
Press Release Summary = An easy-to-use tool that allows you to backup files and folders on your PC.
Press Release Body = Zurich, Switzerland. July 19th, 2007 - Our daily life and routines increasingly depend on information stored on computer hard drives: Contracts and contacts, appointments, e-mails, spread sheets, presentations and digital photos. A total or partial loss of such information is equivalent to a major disaster for business users and increasingly, for home users too. The simple reason why such catastrophes happen is the lack of backups and if backups have been made they can be out of date or faulty. The Swiss data security developer Langmeier said: "The launch of Backup 4 puts special emphasis on making routine backups easier and on avoiding backup errors".
In cases of theft, fire or flooding insurance money will cover in most cases the purchase of replacement equipment, though usually not the cost associated with recovering the data. It is an often overlooked fact, that the data is much more valuable than the PC or hard drive. A virus or a defect on the hard disk can quickly cause havoc. In that case, recent versions of files may have been affected and earlier backup versions are required. That is why it is so important to run backups on a regular basis with history and version tracking. According to "Langmeier Backup" the software was developed with the objective to overcome barriers to running backups by making the routine simpler and automatic, running in the background and avoiding interruptions to the work routine on the PC or network. The backups can also be stored to any location on the computer, the network which Windows can recognize as a drive or to an ftp server over the internet, where the application can also apply 256Bit encryption. The backup data can be accessed at these locations at any time, using a file path resembling the original, which makes the backup files usable.
Any user who considers his or her data relevant should routinely run backups. The latest version 4 of Langmeier Backup has been launched on 19th July 2006. With this release the Swiss software developer gave the English language interface and services a mayor overhaul. A trial version of Langmeier Backup Software is ready for download, providing an opportunity to test the ease of use and range of practical features, positioning this software high up the league of professional backup applications. The Swiss founder Urs Langmeier said: "It has never been as easy for a backup administrator to take care of the complete data backup security.\"
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